
Meet Heartline Runner, Lisa Hojara

Lisa Hojara is 46 years old, married to Ted, and has four children. Her hometown is Fort Lauderdale FL ... with a very worn path to Haiti. The Hojaras lived in Haiti helping with two ministries for much of 2008 and 2009.

Lisa says,
" There is only one explanation to do something so crazy at this age, as my son has reminded me... it is my passion to make a difference in the lives of Haitian women....and children....
I never ran more than 4 miles before July of this year.....I am living proof anybody can do anything they set there hearts and minds to. And of course if Beth says I can do it!! I believe it...she has been my inspirtation, my mentor and my good friend"

Lisa is setting her sights and goals to conquer this marathon. She is running with a purpose....remembering every step, is one step further in changing a life. She is excited to be a part of the running team, she believes that together, we can make a difference.

Please sponsor Lisa Hojara
for her first Marathon this January, and help her show love to a Haitian woman.

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